Friday, February 26, 2010

Snow day

On the snow day Ms.Penticuff took my class and I to go out side and see all of the snow and it was really good :}

Monday, February 22, 2010

last week

I feel prety good working with my teammates. I felt a little nervous presenting my paper prototype because it was my first time.I felt more confident with more time and Passions. some frustration's I had are my pages I had to do.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

fun factor

My role is the blooger. Im good at it because I like to bloog at school . I dont have any disagreements with any of my teamates. well like I say I dont disagree with them at all. If we had to disagree with each other we will ask the teame leader. I look foward to this game because I get to get to make a game with my own teamates. Well we where inspired by grils that are pregnant and are going to have a baby.