Thursday, December 9, 2010

I got this video because it tells me all of the things that are happening in the whole world.
And if we stop it we will have a better future and life.
I got this video because it shows you how to get involved to be green . Something else is to let you know how to yse all of the green things.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The new game Epic Mickey is a cool game thatswhat I think. So I think that the game is going to be a big hit and its going to be awesome.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Erikt 13 2010

"Strange days on planet earth"

Part 4

Most of the plankton go out in

in the dark because of the heat in the world.

Know in the world their is lots of asthma in the world.

And its stopping all of the coral reefs . The heat is causing this

lake in Africa to go away and to evaporate.

The asthma is caused by the Sahara dust.

This thing that they found in the sand

that caused people to have asthma, and the thing is

a little fungus that is killing the

coral reefs. They say that how is it going

all of the way to Africa if its in the ocean.

The thing is that this storm is blowing it all of the way to Africa.

The world is getting warmer by all of the



Part 4

The predators are despairing just like that.

A valley was entire full of water and all of the

animals their are dying because of the food that has

been disappeared.

lake Guri.Venezuela is evaporating to.

Gury has had a very bad flood and

all of the big predators are all dying.

All of the howler monkeys are beginning to get all

together.Some of The ants are being reproduced faster to.

All of the animals in Yellow Stone are being to go away

All of the wolf where getting killed in the 1980

and Know the wolf are coming back and the like the elk was eating all of the

grass it was less grass. Know they are OK.


Part 5

All of the bevies in yellow stone are

coming back and they are Know getting to get back

wolfs are Know getting a little out of

hand because farmers are complaining allot.

The coral reefs are know dying and they

are trying to find out what is

making them go away and what is causing it.

They have learned what the problem is

and the problem is that the algae is covering them.

All of the fishes are dying and the Jamaican people

are just eating the little fishes.

There fishers are fishing all of the fishes that

clean the coral reefs.

Know some of the fishes that help the coral

are coming back.


Some of the lake that people had have been

contaminated by mercury and other

chemicals that are deadly

and Some of the oceans are going byebye and the

scientist are doing some ting about

it.Know they are making a diference and

they are going to have better water

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Erikt 13 2010

"Strange Days On Planet Earth"

The movie its about the strange things that happen in Planet Earth. Some things that are crazy are that they said that there was a frog that was a male and a female.



Some thing that are help full area this things that are called weevlings . They help is by eating some plants and making them die. Some thing else is all of the coral reefs are diyng and not helping the fishes to have a home .
The things that happen in the earth are things that are stopping it from helping us and letting us have good things. The things that are affecting the climate is global warming. The cause of global warming is letting all of the animal's to leave their habitat.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Erikt 11 2010


Hi my name is Erik and Im a student from South West Key Middle Mchool and my topic is about coral reefs. I think we have to focus in the coral reefs because if we dont all pof the fishes will die and also that some of the parts of the coral reef are used for medicine. I think this link will help me in all of the facts I will need in my game.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Erikt 12 2010

The movie of the age of stupid is about all of the things that are causing global warming and all of the things that happen in the world. Some of the things that happen are that the oil factories are going low and that the oil they don't use the burn it. All of that is causing global warming and lots of other things. Some thing else is the food . The food it is less in other countries and that USA was the most country that eats the most. The things that we are doing is that we are putting some wind energy. Some thing else is that they are making some wind turners and there are some people that are trying to stop them because they don't like the idea of wind energy powered machines. The people from Africa have a part of the gasoline shell in their land and the shell factories are not giving them nothing back. If we share our portion with Africa and Asia all 0f the world will be the in food and all of the things we need.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Erik T 9 2010

How to properly cite Internet Recorses


Ronaldinho`s Biography: His life. Found Octuber 7,2010

copy right:Rolnaldinho And Ac Milan fan site

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Erik T 8 2010

The movie that we saw yesterday was called CORAL REEFS and its about the coral reefs dying and not surviving. All of the coral reefs are the sands of coral homes for all of the fish's in the ocean and also they help the ocean for eating bad microbes. Most of the coral reefs are found in the oceans in the bottom of the ocean floor and even all of the way down to the darkness. The coral reefs are endanger because of all of the over fishing. The over fishing causes the fish to be gone and if the coral doesn't have a fish it will turn withe and some day it will die. Some thing else that is killing all of the coral reefs is the ocean warming , because of the heat it cant stand it and eventually it will die and if it keeps going on all of the corals will die. T o prevent all of this things we should do less fishing and that way the coral reefs wont die , another thing that we can do to stop ocean warming is to keep the ocean cool and not put things that may hurt it. The coral reefs help us allot by providing us with medicine form its self.
All of the things that we can do is to help all of the coral reefs in the world and not go away

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Erik T 7 2010

saving species of planet Earth
In the beginning of the film they talked about that the Earth almost lost half of the frogs, forest ,and wetlands. If we don't have all of this things all of the animals will die like the gorillas their about to be extinct and we should conserved all of those things. Some ting that we should stop is the poachers and get them to stop killing elephants because their using their tusks and horns to do some things. The polar bears are in danger to because the ice caps are melting and they cant be swimming the rest of their life and they now are going to go hunt walrus . Panda bears are ding to because they use their fur for lots of things like put them in rugs , blankets, and other things. The things that happen in the world is the things that effect us and all of the animals in the world. If we keep going to do this it will kill lots of species and maybe even us , for example if global warming keeps going on the ice caps can melt and all of the water could come down and drown us. So please help us keep the planet clean and that nothing will happen to it.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Erik T 6 #2 2010

The two social issues I chosed are Hurricane Katrina and Poor People.

I chose the hurricane katrina because I could use science more in it and could figure out more stuff in it. Something I could measure is the wind speed and all of the other things that also happen inside of a hurricane. The other one that I want it to talk about is the issue of the poor people and how theire life are working and how they live, how they make a living.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Erik T 6 2010

got all this web sites from yahoo kids .com/directory.

I got this web site because we could see what happened in the war and see some of the doctors that worked with them.

I got this web site because i saw that we can make a difference to in the world.

I got this web site because we could save some kids to . I we all work together we can make a difference in the world.

I got this web site because it showed me this fact that a sheep worth $25 dollars it can pay for a 8 month school year.

I got this web site because it showed me the days

I got this web sites from the wiki.

I got this because it helps me know what smoking can cause all of us even the ones that dont smoke

I desited to get this web site because it showed me all of the things that the vietman war had in its action

This one I chose it because it showed me all of the history in it.

I got this web site because I want to know how to help them and see how I can do something to help.
I got this one to where all of the hurricane hit at and how bad it was to.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Erik T 5 2010

Positive Game Topic This is where we can go and see the things that are happening in the enviroment and what can happen if the enviroment keeps going on.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The game genre I would chose for my game would be racing. I chose that game genre because I could use lots of science on it and have fun to. The game I would like to make is the racing game that the fuel you have to put in a sertin amount of gas and then check all of the vowels and the every thing else you have to do.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Erik T. 3 2010

An Inconvenient truth

My toughs for the documentary are that they are sad and that we might harm the Earth and not have a Earth at all.I think that global morning in very affective to the Earth and all of the warming in the Earth is killing lots of people and animals. The information that I hared is really sad, scary, and emotional. Some thing we can do to prevent destruction on Earth is that we can stop all of the global warming and all of the things that are causing the Earth to die.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Erik T . 1 2010

I chose this picture because I though it was a cool and strange spider. The strangest thing about the spider are its legs and its shape of the body. I got this picture because I though it was really weird and strange at the same time. I got this pictures from this website called If you want to go to this web site go because there are lots of pictures.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

the game I liked the most is the archerie one because thats the only one I really undetrstood. I though the

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The school year was really cool accept the days that where boring. some thing that I like about the school is mostly every thing because we did lots of fun things . But the things that was the more fun was when I went to see the raper pit bull . I went to see the rapper because I had good grades and I was so happy and when I told my mom she was so happy . The things that I didn't like is the is when I got to do not lots of things for example one day that we had was boring because I didn't do any thing
I still like my school eacpa.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


How I feel of Cinco de Mayo is great because we won a battle in which we didn't have a big army instead we had poor farmers with shovels and pitch forks. What my family do for Cinco de Mayo is that we get to do a big party and we eat tamales , fajita , and lots of other good food. The presentation that they showed us yesterday was really interesting because I learned new things that I didn't know like the war lasted 2 hours and that was really cool. Cinco de Mayo is very important to us because they where born in the town near Puebla where the battle accrued . I think we didn't have any relatives that fought in the Mexican and french war . I think that the war of Puebla effected Mexico by not letting other countries borrow money.Mexico would be in slavery. I think that all of the stuff that is working on today is messing Mexico up

Thursday, April 22, 2010

flash ☻♥♦♣♠•◘○

How I'm feeling about flash is pretty good and not so bad. The thing that I feel good about is all of the new things that I have learned in the class of tech and the tings that I don't feel comfortable is all of the work that we have to do in just one hour and thirty minutes I know that its allot of time but allot of work to.The thing that I like about flash is that we can do lots of stuff like find new websites that you never ever heard before in the computer. some thing else I like about flash is that every day you can find out about lots of interesting things you didn't know. The thing that makes flash fun is like I say all of the things that you can discover in it. The thing that make it hard is lots of things you have to do in this only class of technology. Some new things that I have expirience is all of tha class because I have learned alot in just one class like to do anination and to do lots of other things you can do. The videos that Meredith has done do help alot because it explaines all of the steps from the first flash we had ever done to this point on and I say they help alot .

Friday, April 16, 2010

adding navigation

I think that the hard thing about flash is the working in it because we have to work in lots of things. The fun thing about flash is the thing that you have to do all of the creation and every thing and the thing that I most like about flash is the animation because we get to do lots of things like suposly where working on

Thursday, March 25, 2010

flash today

The hard stuff in flash is that you have fallow all of the instructions and you have to do all of your stuff real fast or you will be behind and get lost in your stuff for wiki and flash.For me to under stand this class you have to give us less work and the rest I don't really care and I fell okay with it. The coding in flash is important to us so we can have lots of short ways to do all of our stuff. We can need those for the wiki so we can paste or do other stuff in our wiki. The stuff I will need to be a flash expert is to do every of my work and get every thing done for on to be a flash expert. yes because I cant consecrate or do my work. I think that the flash videos are really helpfull.

Friday, March 12, 2010

field day

For field day we got to go out side and do lots of fun stuff. The first thing I did was go to play dodge ball and first we had to answer some math problems. Then we started playing some dodge ball and I got out like 5 times then I went to another station and we had to play football and the first thing we had to do is to get the plans ready. In football we had to play this game that we had to throw the ball to some one that was open and if you cough it you have to stay there and through it to some one else. I had made 2 touchdowns in the whole game. Then every one when bazare and we where every where and then some kid started to get in some trouble sos we got to go back in the school thats how I and the whole school got to go in and end up to do all of this stuff. :>

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Yesterday, March 09 2010 we had a visitor name Shannon Sullivan
and we had to presented in front of her and we had to explain to her
what is our game about what it is going to be about and what is our
topic about the objective and the game and the roles like almost everything and we had done everything and we were so shy that we did not want to share with her and it kinda felt embarrassing to me and my team because we had to do everything the way
we had to and I really was not prepared to do anythign and share anything
so we had nothing to talk about just what she had ask us and I really didn't want to share with
her because we don't really know her and we don't trust that we can do anything in front of
her and she is from New York and she had to come down here and share with her our games and she shares with us about her and we had to go to Sandy river school and look at
there game and see whats the problem with it thats all we had to do...

Friday, March 5, 2010

all I learned


In drawing in flash I learned lots of new techniques like how to make some shapes form pressing a shape on the tool bar. Another techniques that I learned is how to make the writing appear in the screen. what you have to do is you have to click on the big T to get your writing on. Something else I learned is how to erase the stuff you don't need with out you clicking the eraser. You just have to press ctrl-Z. The subject in my game design is the reality of teen pregnancy and that I have to draw in flash. what I have to in flash is a pregnant women and beside her I have to write THE REALITY OF TEEN PREGNANCY. I havent learned a lot fronm the last blog I have done that only thing I learned is the use of some new things like how to put all of the stuff I have learned in my flash.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Snow day

On the snow day Ms.Penticuff took my class and I to go out side and see all of the snow and it was really good :}

Monday, February 22, 2010

last week

I feel prety good working with my teammates. I felt a little nervous presenting my paper prototype because it was my first time.I felt more confident with more time and Passions. some frustration's I had are my pages I had to do.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

fun factor

My role is the blooger. Im good at it because I like to bloog at school . I dont have any disagreements with any of my teamates. well like I say I dont disagree with them at all. If we had to disagree with each other we will ask the teame leader. I look foward to this game because I get to get to make a game with my own teamates. Well we where inspired by grils that are pregnant and are going to have a baby.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Pregnant teens are among the most likely mothers-to-be to have inadequate prenatal care. This may be the case because the teen is unaware of or trying to hide the pregnancy or if she does not have support. Because prenatal care includes screening for medical problems, nutritional information, and other care information, a teen lacking these things may suffer health effects herself and inadvertently cause health effects for her unborn child.

Teens who are pregnant have a greater risk of having elevated blood-pressure (pregnancy-induced hypertension) than older women who become pregnant, as well as a greater risk of preeclampsia, a condition in which high blood pressure is accompanied by fluid retentions and which can be quite dangerous. Teens may also become anemic or depressed. Prenatal care can help address either condition.

Monday, January 25, 2010


what we did last week is we talked to Meredith from New york to Texas and she showed us all the steps to do all of the mini game project like get all the codes from the wiki on the mini game assignment section. And we got to finish all of it and where happy about it. I think I did pretty well on it and we had to do lots of work on it to. I think it was a little hard because it was challenging.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Air polution

Well my game idea is about air pollution and the first thing your going to do is pick if you want to be a boy or a girl or boy. Then you go to the settings you can click on start,multi player, control, and how to play. Then you go to chose level 1 and your difficulties easy, medium, or hard then you have to shot all the cars and for every car you shot down you get 10 points. There is going to be bikes to and if you shot them it takes 20 points of to. Every game you win you have can save 20% of air.