Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Erik T 8 2010

The movie that we saw yesterday was called CORAL REEFS and its about the coral reefs dying and not surviving. All of the coral reefs are the sands of coral homes for all of the fish's in the ocean and also they help the ocean for eating bad microbes. Most of the coral reefs are found in the oceans in the bottom of the ocean floor and even all of the way down to the darkness. The coral reefs are endanger because of all of the over fishing. The over fishing causes the fish to be gone and if the coral doesn't have a fish it will turn withe and some day it will die. Some thing else that is killing all of the coral reefs is the ocean warming , because of the heat it cant stand it and eventually it will die and if it keeps going on all of the corals will die. T o prevent all of this things we should do less fishing and that way the coral reefs wont die , another thing that we can do to stop ocean warming is to keep the ocean cool and not put things that may hurt it. The coral reefs help us allot by providing us with medicine form its self.
All of the things that we can do is to help all of the coral reefs in the world and not go away


  1. You are really right they help us in a lot of ways and are really good

  2. Great picture!
    -Lindsey, Globaloria Intern

  3. Thanks!!Erik I Like Your Blog!!!:p
